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     Stereotypes surround most subjects.  One of the major topics filled with stereotypes is Religion.  These stereotypes affect how we interpret new information about those subject.  In this study, we look at the stereotypes of Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism and how they affect how each religion is perceived in the media.  

       First we must look into what stereotypes exist around each of these religions.  Most well known stereotypes in America are of minority religions such as Islam and Buddhism, as opposed to Christianity.  Christianity seems to be a pretty peaceful religion that is falling victim to other religions.  It is rare to find articles about Christians committing horrible acts.  As for Muslims, there are a plethora of stereotypes.  Many people consider all Muslims to be terrorists or violent radicals.  This stereotype cause great islamophobia in the United States.  Finally, Buddhists are usually thought of a very wise, quiet, and peaceful people who spend their time reflecting and meditating.  

​       Having these stereotypes as a background in our minds causes people to respond differently to various news stories.  For example, the conflict in Egypt is about a group of Christians being persecuted by Muslims regarding their religion.  Based on our stereotypes of Muslims being dangerous and Christians being innocent, The media story does not really shock readers.  Even if the story is presented in a very even voice, the reader most likely feels sympathetic towards to Christians who were killed and not for the Muslim who did it.  In this case, media supports our previous stereotypes.  The conflict in Myanmar tests our stereotypes by reversing expected roles in the conflict.  The muslims being the victims and Buddhists being the perpetrators or assailants seems backwards.  To someone who does not understand the current religious stereotypes of these groups would probably feel very sympathetic to the muslims and upset towards the Buddhists.  However, our stereotypes cloud our judgement and cause us to be more shocked by the series of events in Myanmar. Hearing about violent buddhists and muslims being victimized shakes our stereotypes but is just as true and real as the muslims persecuting Christians in Egypt.  


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